Viral Scams

Weed Millionaire Review, Fake Weed Millionaire SCAM is Viral!
Cannabis Millionaire Review, Viral Cannabis Millionaire SCAM Exposed!
Bitcoin News Trader Review, Viral Bitcoin News Trader SCAM Exposed!
Automated Crypto System Review, Viral Crypto SCAM Exposed!
Bitcoin Revolution SCAM Getting Viral, Review Explains
Wealth Matrix Review, Losing Forex SCAM Exposed!
Bitcoin Trader Review, Nasty Bitcoin Trader SCAM Goes Viral!
Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Review

Weed Millionaire Review, Fake Weed Millionaire SCAM is Viral!

Weed Millionaire Review and SCAM Investigation
Its Marijuana Madness and this time the BLACKLISTED Weed Millionaire SCAM is getting viral. Our Weed Millionaire Review and SCAM investigation was prompted by various complaints which keep arriving, but that’s not the worst part. We also got wind that the Weed Millionaire scam is being very aggressively promoted by a professional fraud ring masquerading as a legitimate affiliate network. Well, if you are asking yourself what all of this means you are not alone! Our industry contacts advised us that the Weed Millionaire is actually a Forex scam which is being orchestrated by sleazy offshore brokers (we got stuck with a broker named GFC Investment). The fake pot stocks trend is very distressing, and its just starting to take off so hold on to your hats because this get-rich-quick scheme is flying high!

If you have received some type of SPAM email invitation or exposed to various popup ads then you must know that you are being targeted by professional con artists who will do their utmost to get you signed up and depositing with one of their fake brokers. Why is that happening? Simple, every time you invest the scammers get kickbacks in the form of affiliate commissions. So we are not gonna just tell you to avoid the Weed Millionaire scam, we will actually provide valid proof and evidence that this fake Marijuana penny stock swindle is a facade for fraudulent Forex signals and automated trading software designed to bait and trick unsuspecting victims.  Still believe the Weed Millionaire scam app, software, and fake signals system is a legit trading platform? Well, if that’s the case we urge you to continue reading our Weed Millionaire review because we exposed these crooks and our findings bode bad news for anyone who decides to risk their cash and invest.

Official Website, Login Page, and Members Area:

Proof Of SCAM:
Below you will find a screenshot we took of the Weed Millionaire registration area. You can clearly see where it says “will you be the next weed millionaire?”. This is a strong signal that we are dealing with a get-rich-quick scheme.

Weed Millionaire Registration Area

Moving along, here you can see that they are promising you an “incredible 99.7% accuracy rate” (scroll below to see). That pretty much means you can’t lose and whenever you hear figures like that you can pretty much bet your bottom dollar that you are about to get ripped off.

Weed Millionaire Fake Testimonials

And of course you can’t have a proper scam without some fake testimonials, so here we have “Mary Lee” who is claiming that “the green rush is so real!!” But “Mary” is really the principal of St Dominic’s College in Ballyfermot and her name is Sarah Green. Its interesting the cheaters decided to use a picture of an educational figure to peddle their Marijuana scam, you have to admit it is kind of funny so we give them an A for creativity.

Weed Millionaire Software

And here is the Weed Millionaire SCAM software. There is a manual as well as automated trading mode, which means its a Forex trading robot so hold on tight to your wallet before the scammers get a whiff of your money and steal it.

Weed Millionaire Dragons Den

Weed Millionaire Fake News
There is a whole lot of chatter online about the Dragon’s Den Team investing in Cannabis products. Some of the news is actually true, but a lot of it is completely fake. We managed to get our hand on a Weed Millionaire Dragon’s Den SCAM fake news site, and after we started examining the links inside we noticed it lead to the Weed Millionaire website. This means there are deep pockets and professional online marketers who are invested heavily in this fake news campaign so hold on to your wallets and don’t invest!

What is the Weed Millionaire And How Does it Work?
The Weed Millionaire scam is marketed as a penny stock signals software which utilizes superior technology that “skips ahead of the market faster than any other system available today.” In reality its a fake signals app designed to drain your bank account by executing losing trades on Cannabis stock.

Weed Millionaire False Advertising Tactics

Weed Millionaire Review, The Next Gold Rush or SCAM?

The Weed Millionaire is marketed as a kind of pot stock signals trading software which produces a “99.7%” level of accuracy. They claim the technology is “bullet proof” and designed for both beginner and pro traders. It’s supposed to generate consistent wins, because it ‘skips ahead’ of the market faster than any other systems. However, in reality what happens after you signup is all too well-known. You get allocated a fake Forex broker who does not really care about Cannabis stock or any kind of financial asset. They just sell you some trading strategy and try to get you to reinvest, and they are relentless!

Is It Free?
Absolutely not. Its going to cost you at least $/€/£250 in order to get started, and brokers like GFC Investment only see that as a gateway or stepping stone to the bigger amounts they plan to make whilst using you as their personal cash cow.

Fake Weed Millionaire Reviews
Yes there are some fake Weed Millionaire Reviews, and similar to the Cannabis Millionaire scam the website owners endorsing this get-rich-quick scheme are just as bad as the actual scammers (if not worse). They are colluding against you in what we believe is an obvious attempt to defraud and victimize innocent victims looking to cash in on a legitimate stock trading app.

Still Trust Weed Millionaire?
If after reading everything we had to write about the Weed Millionaire scam you still want to take it for a test-drive and invest some of your hard-earned money, then it’s quite possible you have not fully fathomed your situation. Don’t invest. Period.

A Real Alternative
Our staff has started executing extensive testing for a new app named Trade Cannabis Stock. The software uses artificial intelligence for trade execution and is doing incredibly well for us. If you are searching for a real alternative that actually generates money consistently Trade Cannabis Stock is it. So take a minute to check it out (and it trades other assets too).

Trade Cannabis Stock On Auto Pilot

Weed Millionaire Review Summary, Conclusions, and Helpful Tips
The Weed Millionaire scam software, app, and fake signals system is a losing get-rich-quick scheme which rallies exploits the media hype around pot stock. Our staff produced extensive proof and evidence of scam and in this context we implore you to refrain from joining this fraudulent software as we can guarantee with a certainty of 100% that your money will be stolen by clever con artists. Should you have any additional questions or queries simply message us via our contact page.


Cannabis Millionaire Review, Viral Cannabis Millionaire SCAM Exposed!

Welcome to our Cannabis Millionaire Review and SCAM Investigation 
Cannabis stock is flying high as a kite, and the the con artists behind the Cannabis Millionaire SCAM software and CFD trading app have latched on to this profitable new niche. Cannabis Millionaire is not just a term, it is a marketing gimmick which was developed by a clever group of affiliate marketers who understand exactly how to follow trends, manipulate facts, and turn them into lies and deception which suit their needs. Why is this happening now? Simple, the so called “cannabis hype” is at its peak RIGHT NOW and online marketers are riding this cannabis wave of success and peddling their filth. How does this effect you? Well, get ready for fake Cannabis Millionaire reviews, fake news advertisements, scammers with fake profiles on Facebook and Telegram trying to push this garbage, and every HYIP monitor, cryptocurrency, binary options, and Forex/CFD website will try to sell you this crap and tell you there is a “pot” of gold at the end of the rainbow.

We also know that behind the scenes there are some unlicensed Forex and CFD brokers which are actually the entities scamming the customers and then sharing the loot with the advertisers. In our case it was a broker named GFC Investment which is a very nasty broker with tons of complaints. So, if you were spammed or illegally solicited to join the fraudulent Cannabis Millionaire software, you should know that there are multiple warnings by a myriad of official watchdog websites who are officially warning the public to stay clear of the Cannabis Millionaire scam and others similar to it. The Cannabis Millionaire scam is particularly misleading and deceptive because it is a viral get-rich-quick scheme which is being promoted very aggressively by affiliate networks and media agencies specializing fake Cannabis and make-money schemes. If for some reason you are under the impression that the Cannabis Millionaire scam is a genuine or legitimate trading software, then you need to continue reading our detailed review because we caught these ripoff artists red handed and exposed them!

Official Cannabis Millionaire Website and Registration Area:

Proof of SCAM
OK, so here we have the totally hyped up registration page and members area for the Cannabis Millionaire software. Most members are not even aware that they not are signing up for “Cannabis Millionaire”, rather for a broker. It is not mentioned in the registration area and you really need to dig in deep to understand you are signing up for a CFD broker.

Cannabis Millionaire Registration Area

The Cannabis Millionaire SCAM doesn’t use any disclaimers. Contrarily, it DOES use misleading images and false advertising tactics. The section below talks about the legalization of Cannabis across North America and the opportunities presented to you if you take action immediately. But in fact, what you are looking at is a ruse and the person illustrated in the image below is not a doctor at all. In fact, we found her picture in an image bank where she poses as a “confident doctor posing in a hemp field.”

Cannabis Millionaire Fake Testimonials

Pot Stocks and Get Rich Quick Schemes
The secret is out and people know that Marijuana stocks are peaking due to legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use specifically in Canada and the United States. Medical Marijuana Dispensaries are issued permits and pot is becoming a legitimate drug across North America (not to mention the Netherlands). Scammers are not oblivious to this new development and are riding the Cannabis wave of success as legally traded companies focusing on the manufacturing and distribution of legal Marijuana are making millions due to increased demand.

What Is Cannabis Millionaire and How Does It Work?
Cannabis Millionaire is a get-rich-quick scheme which is tapping into the Cannabis hype and trying to sell you fake Forex and CFD contracts. When you invest the broker steals your money and then sends kickbacks to the advertisers in what is commonly referred to as a revenue of profit share scheme. Don’t sign up.

Cannabis Millionaire Review, Legit Opportunity Or SCAM?
The Cannabis Millionaire SCAM is baiting you in the sense that it tells you that the investing scene is rapidly changing and that there is no need to buy actual Cannabis stock because you can purchase a CFD or Contract for Difference. They would have you believe that “CFD’s are more profitable than shares; as you can actually leverage the small amounts of money you invest, allowing you to make a lot more money, much quicker, as opposed to buying shares which are expensive, limited and take a lot of time to grow.” This is a half-truth (which is worst than a lie) because buying a CFD with a broker carries a very high degree of risk, and doing it with an unlicensed broker practically guarantees you will lose your money without having any way to remedy your situation.

Is It Free?
No, it’s going to cost you at least $/€/£250 in order to activate the software and that money will be collected by the filthy Cannabis Broker which is assigned to you.

Cannabis Millionaire Fake News
There have been initial reports of Cannabis Millionaire being used with the Dragons’ Den cast and Elon Musk. We are currently looking into this and will produce proof of fake news when and if we are able to obtain it.

Fake Cannabis Millionaire Reviews
There are various fake Cannabis Millionaire Reviews, and they are all designed to get you signed up with a fake broker so that the affiliate marketers can get their commissions. This type of activity is both unethical and also not smart from a business perspective, but that is another issue which needs to be addressed.

Some Tested Alternatives
Our staff was able to gather a proper alternative for investors wanting to try out a legitimate trading app. We have tested this software and it is both legit as well as profitable so we highly recommend it especially if you are just starting out with stocks.

Trade Cannabis Stock On Auto Pilot

Cannabis Millionaire Review Summary and Conclusions – (Blacklisted SCAM – Confirmed)
The Cannabis Millionaire SCAM software, app, and trading software is a confirmed investment SCAM and get-rich-quick scheme. We are advising all our members to avoid this fraudulent software and trade stocks with a legitimate trading app as we have recommended above. Should you have any questions or need additional clarifications, please message us through our contact page.



Bitcoin News Trader Review, Viral Bitcoin News Trader SCAM Exposed!

Here’s another viral Bitcoin SCAM. This time it’s called the Bitcoin News Trader scam, and this verified get-rich-quick scheme is extremely deceptive and designed to trick and deceive innocent victims. Why do we believe it is getting viral? Simple, as you will see in our Bitcoin News Trader Review, there are multiple fake news advertisements, fake reviews, and various banner advertisements in social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn. But that’s just for starters. The main problem we have with the fake Bitcoin News Trader SCAM software and bogus signals app has to do with the fact that it is powered by fraudulent software and integrated with rogue offshore brokers with names like GFC Investment or Kaya FX. If you have signed up for this fake app then your phone number is about to be distributed to some very sleazy sales reps with a strange accent and a stingy salary. These crooks are a part of a boiler room scam type of Forex operation which targets opportunity seekers primarily from the United Kingdom, Singapore, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland. So, if you are from any of these countries, we recommend you continue reading our detailed Bitcoin News Trader Review to get a better grasp of what you are getting into before joining this dubious investment platform.

Official Website and Login Link:

Viral SCAM Exposed With Evidence:
Here is the Bitcoin News Trader scam website and members area. A closer look will reveal a whole bunch of hype, and all of it is designed to get you signed up and depositing with a fake broker account.

Bitcoin News Trader Members Area

Here you will find the fake news article we were able to dig up. A closer look will reveal the links inside redirect viewers to the Bitcoin News Trader SCAM signal software. Again, the ripoff artists are exploiting the viral nature of Bitcoin and the fact that many people have actually become new millionaires trading this cryptocurrency. You can clearly see they write that a 15 Year Old Kid buys his mother a house after making millions of £ From home.

Bitcoin News Trader Fake News

Bitcoin News Trader Review: No, You Will Not Become a Millionaire Overnight!

The Bitcoin News Trader SCAM software is being very heavily promoted by a number of affiliate networks and media agencies which specialize if cryptocurrency-related schemes. The sales video talks about a “success formula” and a kind of secret system which grants you access to “high-quality news before everyone else”. This means they software generates signals and based on those recommendations you will need to buy/sell contracts and trade currency pairs such as USD/BTC or EUR/ETH. They say you only need to work a couple of hours a day to generate a significant income (£ 3,457 Daily). But that is a ruse and we don’t believe these liars and their thieving software.

Fake Bitcoin News Trader Reviews By Affiliate Sites
Its just how the internet works. Assuming you are not a heavily financed operation with seed money or an investor with deep pockets you have to operate as an affiliate and start generating sales. The way its done is by recommending software, but therein lays the problem. Affiliate marketers do not necessarily care about the quality of their products, they mostly care if they sell well. So obviously they are selling you dreams with the hope that you buy into their little story and invest. But that is both unfair as well as unethical, so be careful.

Bitcoin News Trader Review Summary
The Bitcoin News Trader SCAM is a nasty, viral, and dangerous scam designed to steal your money. The software is fraudulent and designed to execute losing trades, the brokers are liars and thieves, and the whole trading experience is negative. In a nutshell, please avoid the Bitcoin News Trader SCAM software and spend your money wisely.

Viable Alternatives (Yes, There Are Some That Work)
We were able to find a reputable software that actually works. We tried it ourselves and made consistent amounts of about £300-500 every day. If you wish to join and see what its about you can check out our detailed review below to get more details.

Crypto Advantage Software




Automated Crypto System Review, Viral Crypto SCAM Exposed!

Oh no! Automated Crypto System SCAM is getting viral because of fake reviews and many victims are complaining! Yes, you heard it right Our Automated Crypto System review will demonstrate exactly how this thieving viral scam works and why it should be avoided at all costs. But first you must know that we are not affiliated in any way or form with the Automated Crypto System app and fake Forex robot, and therefore our review is fair and completely impartial. So, why do we think its a scam? Simple, we were able to obtain information and hard evidence which led us to this much foreseen conclusion. If you don’t believe us and want to try your luck go ahead, but when you get ripped off don’t come crying because we won’t be able to assist you in getting a refund.

Official Website and Login Page:

SCAM Evidence
OK, so a quick look below reveals that the thieves promoting the Automated Crypto System scam software are basically plagiarizing and copying other software. That’s actually illegal not to mention unethical, and people pay hefty fines and even go to jail for copyright infringement.

Automated Crypto System Copied SCAM Exposed

But the most important piece of information here has to do with the simple fact that you are being instructed to use fraudulent software which simply does not perform. So yes, the promoters get their kickbacks every time you invest, but you get left holding an empty bag of peanuts and a light wallet. We know that some of you read some fake reviews or saw videos on YouTube which may say the opposite of what we believe to be the truth, so we decided to just add a video here for reference. It happens to be the only video available which actually tells the truth about the Automated Crypto System scam and how it works.

Automated Crypto System Review
The Automated Crypto System is a fake signals app and not even an auto-trader. They claim there is a trading algorithm and that the software trades on auto-pilot for you, but that is a lie. Our researchers found out this is a manual signals solution, which means you will need to sit on your back end and invest time as well as money trading Forex online and risking your money. If you are not ready for that then step away and don’t invest.

Automated Crypto System Review Conclusions
The Automated Crypto System scam software is already blacklisted by a few trustworthy websites, and we happen to agree with them.

Some Alternatives
We assume you are looking for a legitimate investment opportunity, so we made sure to have one ready for you. And yes, it actually works so feel free to take it for a test drive and see for yourself how much money you can really make using a genuine trading app.

Crypto Advantage




Bitcoin Revolution SCAM Getting Viral, Review Explains

While the price of Bitcoin may be slumping, con artists are still rallying around the concept of massive riches at the click of a mouse. Such is the case with the fraudulent Bitcoin Revolution SCAM software. The Bitcoin Revolution software, app, and fake automated signals systems was created by a European-based affiliate network which cooperates with rogue offshore brokers in what is commonly referred to as a profit or revenue share scheme. What does that mean? Well, basically it means that much similar to a travel agent who received commissions for referring paying customers, so do these crafty affiliate marketers. In essence, what we have here is a conspiracy designed to defraud and victimize innocent day traders and this scam is definitely getting viral.

Cloned Bitcoin Revolution SCAM Is Viral

Much similar to the Quantum AI scam by Elon Musk, Bitcoin Revolution is also using the same concepts of hyped up and exaggerated claims of easy money, fake testimonials, and inflated bank accounts. The objective of all of these aggressive, misleading, and deceptive advertising practices is to get the victim signed up and depositing with a fake offshore broker. Unfortunately this trend is not going to end or abate any time soon, but there are other various scams which are advertised as legitimate mining pools or ICOs, and they all end up being Ponzi Schemes, HYIP’s, or get-rich-quick schemes similar to Bitcoin Revolution.

Are you in the market for a legitimate trading app which actually performs as advertised? Check out our Crypto Advantage review and see how a genuine trading app performs!

Crypto Advantage, A Tested Trading App!

Serial Scammers Are Lazy and Plagiarize Websites
The Bitcoin Revolution scam is a clone and replica of the viral and well-known Bitcoin Trader SCAM which has been copied and used in various forms such as Bitcoin Formula, and Bitcoin Secret. Alas, the end of this story is known to all and the crooks operating behind the scenes and orchestrating this elaborate scam are known scam artists with a particular knack for thievery and deceptive online schemes. It is for that reason the entire online trading and cryptocurrency industry has blacklisted the Bitcoin Revolution software, and this should come as no surprise.


Wealth Matrix Review, Losing Forex SCAM Exposed!

The Wealth Matrix SCAM is a viral get-rich-quick scheme which is being launched these days. The Wealth Matrix is also referred to as the Wealth Matrix Club and AI Matrix Pro. As we shall prove in our detailed Wealth Matrix review, it is a confirmed Forex scam which is designed to get you to lose money. But first, a bit of disclosure. Viral Bit Me, as well as the staff and management of ViralBitMe.Com, is not associated or affiliated in any way with the Wealth Matrix scam software. In other words, our Wealth Matrix review is honest  and impartial as there is no conflict of interest. Moving forward, you should know that the main issue with the Wealth Matrix scam has to do with the fact that they make you signup for an offshore broker, but you are not notified about this in any way. In fact, once you signup, you immediately get a phone call and some fake broker asks you to reinvest and put more money in. That is how the scam works, and once you invest the promoters get a percentage of your losses in the form of affiliate commissions.

Wealth Matrix Review
The Wealth Matrix SCAM is being marketed as a type of algorithmic trading app which produces “highly accurate trade signals”.  8 High End Strategies are used to scan and analyze the markets, and that is when the AI Matrix Pro Software utilizes “8X” proven market-strategies to recommend profitable trades. Then it goes on to say that there are “auto-trading assets”, and that is a contradiction in terms and the first piece of evidence we collected to prove our point.


Is Wealth Matrix Scam Or Not?
Its a scam, and if you look at the image above you will see that the testimonials are totally fake and they are not real people.

Is Wealth Matrix Free to Join?
No, it will cost you around $250, and that money will be deducted from your credit card by the broker you signup for.

Are There Viral Scams Similar to Wealth Matrix?
For sure! Crypto Robot 365 is a viral scam which has been marketed for a long time. It is a part of a very big affiliate network and these guys don’t really care if you make money or lose it.

Final Verdict
Wealth Matrix SCAM is a blacklisted viral get-rich-quick Forex scam. If you signup your money will most likely be stolen and you will be left penniless.




Bitcoin Trader Review, Nasty Bitcoin Trader SCAM Goes Viral!

New Viral SCAM: Bitcoin Trader Review and Scam Investigation
The Bitcoin Trader software and automated trading app is a new viral scam which is getting some serious attention over the internet these days. This is mainly due to the fact that savvy internet marketers are using intermediate sales pages using the identities of well-known actors and celebrities from the Shark Tank and Dragons Den in order to lend a seemingly legitimate aura to the destination pages. In this case it is Bitcoin Trader and Bitcoin Code. Both of which have been proven to be confirmed crypto scams and get-rich-quick schemes designed with the single and malicious intent of defrauding unsuspecting victims looking for a legit money-making opportunity.

Bitcoin Trader Review
Very quickly we have seen the numbers of views as well as complaints and hype peak and reach record levels as a plethora of affiliate networks and media companies such as Clicksure and Max Bounty have jumped on this gravy train and are now providing online promoters with a variety of marketing tools such as banner adds, text links, and tracking links which monitor the campaign performance and measure income for the affiliates as well as vendors who ultimately receive the customers and charge their credit card superfluous amounts of money without getting approval (in other words stealing their money).

The image below is how to main sales page for Bitcoin Trader looks like, and it immediately starts off by saying “you can become the next millionaire”. It also makes a lot of out-of-context statements about how famous people like Bill Gates and Richard Branson in order to further legitimize this fake app and automated trading system.


In essence, the Bitcoin Trader is a bitcoin investment scam that makes fallacious and outrageous claims about how you can generate massive profits easily. The service guarantees $13,000 a month without any risk to your investment since the developers of this trashy software have a “unique trading system which wins trades with 99.4% accuracy” (if you believe that).  In the Bitcoin Trader sales video we see snippets from real news broadcasts taken out of context of course. And we hear Jake Tapper from CNN explaining how Bitcoin has peaked and how Bitcoin is the future of money “with no fees, no banks, and no inflation”.

Bitcoin Trader Review Summary and Conclusions
In a nutshell, much similar to the Bitcoin Code, Bitcoin Trader is using all the recent media hype in order to trick, deceive, and manipulate innocent opportunity seekers into funding offshore trading accounts with phony Forex and CFD brokers. This is done so that the promoters receive their affiliate commissions and the brokers get to milk you dry and rip you off in a very extreme and unethical manner. In short, everyone makes money and the customers pay for the ride. Final recommendation is to avoid the Bitcoin Trader scam as it is a dangerous crypto scam.


Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Review

Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Review and SCAM Investigation (Just Facts)

Is the Bitcoin Millionaire Pro by the International Council for Bitcoin SCAM or Legit automated trading software? What does the Bitcoin Millionaire Pro system offer? And is it a free Cryptocurrency trading signals app which generates profits on auto pilot? The truth is that the Bitcoin Millionaire Pro trading bot is a newly-launched Crypto scam and confirmed get-rich quick scheme. These liars promise they will make you a lot of money.

Bitcoin Millionaire Pro is a new Crypto trading software scam, which promises they will make you a lot of money. They claim you will make huge profits of thousands per day, however the truth shows otherwise. The people who created Bitcoin Millionaire Pro, also created the popular viral scams system such as Profit Wizard Pro, Bitcoin Code, Bitcoin Loophole, and even the Tesler App which is now back in action and successfully baiting new victims on a daily basis. So forget about super accurate signals which generate thousands of dollars, or anything which even remotely suggests you make money while you sleep. Because, as our revealing Bitcoin Millionaire Pro review will prove, the reality of it is that you are dealing with a financial scam designed to rip you off and steal your hard-earned money.

Official Website, Members Area, and Login Section :

Proof of Viral Crypto Scam
Below is the main sales and registration area for the Bitcoin Millionaire Pro app. In it you can clearly see that Bitcoin Millionaire Pro is a clone of the Profit Wizard pro. In fact, the image of Banc De Binary ads an additional layer of suspicion to what is an already questionable and problematic trading niche.

For those of you who don’t know or are unaware, Banc De Binary was huge Binary Options broker which was shut down due to SEC violations and various regulatory and media-related issues. It has gained massive negative exposure and for that reason was not able to keep it’s doors open and accept new clients.

What is The International Council for Bitcoin?
This is a non-existent entity which was designed to create a sense of legitimacy in what is obviously a crappy product.

Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Review
Digital currencies are quickly becoming an essential part of our lives and account for millions of daily financial transactions. People across the world are able to sell their services or various goods and in this way cryptocurrencies are actively changing the lives of many individuals. The trust in key cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum also demonstrates the digital prowess these currencies have gained as time progresses.

It is exactly this kind of prowess which has generated much media hype which most investment platforms such as Bitcoin Millionaire Pro are seeking to take advantage of. The hyped up claims about a highly profitable trading platforms are nonsense at best, and most likely contrived by crafty affiliate marketers looking to get their cut of the commission pie. In fact, it is also copied from the Litcoin Trader SCAM.

To reiterate, the claims of zero commissions and fees when you signing up to the platform is should turn on your alarm bells. If this is true,  how do the individuals behind it make their money ? The answer is simple, the promoters behind it are getting paid for referring paying customers (that’s you).

Moving forward, the “company” claims to have 100% successful signals with almost no losses and guaranteed wins which will turn your minor investment into a million bucks overnight. Obviously this is a lie and impossible due to the volatile nature of the crypto markets. We have seen cases similar to this where promises have been made and immediately broken so please stay away.

Bitcoin Millionaire Pro Review Conclusions – BLACKLISTED!
Trading Bitcoins is definitely a highly lucrative way to earn money, but this does not mean every investment opportunity is legit. The Bitcoin Millionaire Pro SCAM is clearly a trap and get-rich-quick scheme. The narrative is recycled from previous scams and there is no viable way for you to generate money. In short, keep your distance and seek alternative investment channels.

Viral Bit Me was created for your entertainment and does not own any of the videos on this site. Have a question or comment? Feel free to contact us.